The CR Way to Successful Aging


 Your To-do List for Successful Aging

Many of you have made resolutions to improve your health. Do your resolutions include lifestyle practices to help you slow – or perhaps even reverse – aging? What’s on your list?

The “CR Way To-do List for Successful Aging” includes these goals:

  • Maintaining a healthy BMI: between 19 and 23
  • Protection strategies against age-related diseases, e.g., cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and Alzheimer’s diseases, and – of course – aging itself.
  • Optimal glucose and insulin management
  • Low inflammation (achieved by eliminating root causes)
  • More efficient cellular energy production
  • Preservation and use of healthy adult stem cells as needed
  • Stable DNA
  • Optimal microbiome composition and function

The best way to start is to begin with the nine-week CR Way to Great Glucose Control course, which makes it easy to improve glucose levels as part of a health-optimizing strategy. The course now includes lessons on improving heart health, intermittent fasting, and sleep length and quality.

Your body breaks down slowly as you age. Trying to stop and reverse the breakdown eludes most people. Yet, look at what Debbie B., a member from Tennessee, says – as she tells you the significant improvements she has made in just a short time:

After 11 weeks on the CR Way, I had a doctor’s appointment, which generated results I would like to share:  When I joined, my total cholesterol was 216 mg/dL in August and it is 146 mg/dL now.  My LDL was 90 mg/dL and now it is 50 mg/dL… – Debbie B., Tennessee

Applying CR Way principles is the key.

I’m down to a fasting glucose of 78 mg/dL and after my walk recently, I was at 67 mg/dL. It blows my mind to have glucose levels that low … – Dave B., Virginia

Starting is Easy

After you join, you will be invited to a live teleconference where you can share your goals you want to achieve by taking the course. We will take them into account as we customize the classes for you.

A note from a CR Way Member “Again, thank you so much for your help, your expertise, and your caring way. It is greatly appreciated…” – Barb P., Pennsylvania

Becoming Part of the CR Way Community

Great Glucose participants become part of a community of doers – people who share your passion for optimal health, extending life, and doing something about it. You will be invited to CR Way Support Group teleconferences – which are live every Tuesday at 8:00 pm (ET) – and Open Forum teleconferences, held weekly on Sunday afternoons.

Open Forum teleconferences are recorded, so if you can’t make a call, you can listen to it at a time that’s convenient for you. It works phenomenally well:

“I really enjoy our ‘get-togethers’ via weekly phone chats. Each one of us is warmly welcomed and invited to share our experiences. I have also learned a lot by just active listening! It is a great opportunity to ‘drink from the well’ of the longevity gurus… Melody, S., Virginia

The CR Way to Great Glucose Control

The CR Way to Great Glucose Control is fundamental to CR Way living. With a focus on vital aspects of aging and health, the course alone is worth well more than $1000. Actually – if you implement the ideas and reduce your disease risk significantly, it is worth far more.

Course resources:

  • Glucose control experts, Paul McGlothin & Meredith Averill, teach all classes Live!
  • Nine 30-minute teleconference classes – easy to work into your busy schedule
  • Instructional videos, describing your steps to achieve great glucose control
  • A five-part, beautifully illustrated and regularly updated e-book with new recipes, food suggestions, and even ideas for improving your gut microbiome

Find out more about the Science Behind Glucose Control Benefits 

Get Started!

Sign up for the CR Way to Great Glucose Control course and purchase participation here, or call us at 877-481-4841 to answer any questions you have, and we will help you get started.

Wishing you extraordinary health,

Paul & Meredith

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